2021 Lakota Charger Stock Combo VIN-000611
Please call 573.885.6300 for Price
VIN: 000611
Key Features:
- All Aluminum
- 17.5 Aluminum Wheels and Tires
- 13′ Short Riser
- Couch
- Hickory Interior
- Soft Touch Interior Package
- ceiling
- shades
- walls
- Polished Nose Wrap
- Large Fridge
- Convection Oven
- Power Awning with Weathershield
- 50/50 Rear Doors
- Mid-Tack
- Mold Resistant Lining
- Ramp and Exterior door
- Pass thru door to stock compartment
- Fully Insulated
- Cabinet
- Stock Compartment
- 2-way roof vents
- full escape door
- horse dividers
- slam latch center gate
- rubber lined floor
- Dual Jacks
- Lots of Storage!!
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